Doctorado Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad
Posgrado Consolidado - Sistema Nacional de Posgrados CONACYT


From the very start the Doctorate Program has been linked to the Masters in Graphic Procedures and Expression in Urban Architectural Planning (MPEGPAU). These two postgraduate programs have been connected through having some of the same academic objectives and tasks. The Program was created by a team of researchers from the Department of Urban Study Projects of the University Center for Art, Architecture and Design (CUAAD), who have further collaborated through their work on the University Network with researchers/professors from the University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities (CUCSH), the University Center for Economic and Administrative Sciences (CUCEA), The University Center of the Coast (CUCOSTA), the University Center of Tonalá (CUTONALA) and since 2018, the Program has belonged to the Postgraduate Network of the Institute for Research and the Study of Cities (INCIUDADES), an institution that is in the Jalisco University Network and has its head office in the CUAAD. The Program also has the collaboration of academics from the faculties of Architecture of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León and of the University of Veracruz, and also has an important working relationship with national and international universities, and academic institutions abroad.


The Doctorate has developed procedures to facilitate collaboration with different sectors of society through research projects and the professional work of the core teaching staff, and students with a shared interest in the questions studied and a willingness to work together with staff to share their knowledge, skills and capacities in order to promote comprehensive solutions for problems and topics of strategic importance to contemporary cities:


  • Participation in academic networks. Through its teaching staff, the program takes part in activities bringing together academic networks akin to its LGAC such as the Ibero-American Network of History and Urban Political Theory, the CYTED thematic network “Resilience and Adaptation of Cities to Changes Produced by Natural Events”, the Network of Urban Imaginaries, the Network of Tourist Cities, the Housing Network and the International Network of the City, Territory and Environment.
  • Support for the application of agreements by teacher/professors for developing research or professional projects with various actors from society.
  • Placing of students for tutoring and direction of the thesis. With every new convocation and admission period, one of the points considered in the evaluation of student applications is the affinity of the subjects proposed for their dissertations, with the research projects being conducted by the basic teaching staff.


In this way the Postgraduate Program is related nationally and internationally to the institutions mentioned below, forming links that contribute to the flexibility of the courses of study of the students of the Doctorate:  




Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Universidad Veracruzana

Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO)

Escuela de Arquitectura y Artes (ESARQ)




Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile

University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States of America

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, España

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España

Universidad de Sevilla, España

Universidad Central del Ecuador


Another firmly established link of the Program is with the Central University of Ecuador in Quito, which was signed through a Specific Convention and has made it possible to teach the Doctorate in that country. Currently the Program has 10 PhDs who have graduated from the 2017A-2019B generation, and 11 full time students of the generation of 2019B-2022A.


International collaboration continues to be strengthened, and since 2014 the Postgraduate program has taken part as Joint Editor of the Journal ACE, Arquitectura, Ciudad y Entorno (Architecture, City and Environment), issued by the Center for Land Policy and Valuation at the Polytechnic University of Cataluña, Spain, operating as a medium for the sharing and distribution of advances and results from the research projects of students, graduates and professors.  


With regard to the flexibility of the Program, this is based on the option that the students have for attending kindred seminars in national or international institutions or others whose specialty and orientation can guarantee results. The last five generations have taken part in four national courses, and one international, that are valid for the degree. It has been possible to establish these activities thanks to the administration of mobility grants offered by the University of Guadalajara that all its students can apply for, and of mixed grants offered by CONACYT. Economic support is also provided for attending academic events on questions, and with workshops, that have a direct relation to the research projects developed as part of the Program. These are awarded within the Program of Incorporation and Permanence of Postgraduates in the National Postgraduate Program of Excellence (PROINPEP), Program to Fortify Quality in Educational Institutes (PROOCIE) and the CONACYT Program to Fortify Postgraduate Studies of Great Excellence.  


In terms of teaching and extension, the Doctorate Program seeks:   

  • To collaborate and participate in University networks of the country and abroad that offer postgraduate courses in kindred areas, in research centers devoted to the study of the constituent elements of the questions that go to make up this Doctorate Program. It also seeks to participate with public and private organizations, as well as collaborating in their convocations and invitations.
  • To collaborate and participate in the Public Sector, in various institutions of the federal government (SEDESOL, SEDATU, FONATUR, Hipotecaria Federal (Federal Mortgage) and their state delegations; INFONAVIT, SEMARNAT, etc.); and of state and municipal governments: Departments of Planning and/or Municipal Public Works, PRODEUR, IMEPLAN, Department of Ecology and the Environment, special Urban Development commissions of the National Institute of Statistical and Digital Geography (INEGI), and others.
  • To collaborate and participate in Private Initiatives: CANADEVI, CONAVI; with companies offering consultation in urban and regional development, real estate companies and builders, and promoters of a private character or with capital who develop activities related to urban-environmental development.


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