
Edith Rosario Jiménez Huerta is a doctor from the University of Essex, England; has a Master's degree from University College London and holds a degree in architecture from UNAM. She has served as a professor-researcher at the University of Guadalajara since 1991. She held the position of advisor to the Government of the State of Aguascalientes, Mexico from 1993 to 1998. She currently works as a professor-researcher and Director of the Design and Projects Division at the University Center of Art, Architecture and Design of the University of Guadalajara.

The National Researchers Council granted her the distinction of National Researcher from 1992 to 2031, currently it is Level II. She has been accredited by the Ministry of Public Education as a teacher with a "Desirable Profile", from 2002 to 2022. She has been responsible for several research projects on land, housing, informality, cultural landscape and public policies. His lines of research are: land, housing, property rights, planning and territorial management.

She is a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. Dr. Jimenez participates in several research networks, national and international: Founding member of the Latin American Housing Network (LAHN), Member of the Council of the Research Committee 43 of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and Member of the National Network "Periphery and territorial processes". From 2006 to 2021 she was responsible for the MultiDes Consolidated Academic Body (CUAAD, CUCEA, CUCSH, CU-Valles): "Urban and Territorial Studies".

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Recents books by Edith Rosario