
Bachelor's degree in Interior Design, Master's in Processes and Graphic Expression for Architectural-Urban Design, Ph.D. in City Territory and Sustainability. Full-time professor at the Universidad de Guadalajara. Research interests include representation, drawing, creativity, architectural design, and the history of women in architecture. Has contributed to chapters in books such as:

"Quality of life in housing. Case Tonalá, Jalisco", "Areas of spaces designated for study within the home during confinement under the perception of undergraduate students", "Application of a Methodology to understand appropriation and transformation in social housing", "Graphic representation as a tool for analyzing livable space in housing", "Manual Drawing as Means of Reflection in Graphic Ideation", "Playful in the creative phase", "Digital Architectural Graphic Expression", "Habitat and its habitability through the analysis of social interest housing in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara 2010-2014", "The interior space and the user. Theory and design of Interior Design", "Textile Heritage of Western Mexico. The case of Cedazo de Atoyac, Jalisco", among others.

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