
Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad Veracruzana. He holds a Master's Degree in Architecture with honors from the Universidad Veracruzana (2013). He also has a master's degree in Advanced Architectural Design from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina and a postgraduate degree in Sustainable Design from the University of Palermo, Argentina (2011). He holds a degree in Architecture from the Universidad Veracruzana (2005).

During his master's studies, he developed a research stay at the Universidad Mayor in Santiago de Chile and since then he has participated as a speaker at various national and international colloquia, conferences and seminars. She has also published articles in specialized journals, book chapters and has participated in electronic publications of several prestigious universities.

Within his work experience in the educational field, he was as Academic Director at the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Xalapa (2019-2021). At the Universidad Veracruzana, he was appointed Academic Coordinator in the General Directorate of the Technical Area (2016-2018), where he supported the accreditation of the 52 educational programs. Likewise, he had participation in tasks such as redesigning study plans and programs, elaboration of institutional and state government work plans. He participated as liaison with the Observatory Coordination, was responsible for the project of the educational quality management system of the UV and the projects for the Program to Strengthen Educational Quality (PFCE), and was liaison with the Department of Continuing Education, among other activities related to educational quality.

Also within the Universidad Veracruzana, he supported the Coordination of the Master's Degree in Architecture (2015) to endorse its membership in the National Program of Quality Postgraduate Degrees of CONACyT. He has been teaching within the Faculty of Architecture in the Master of Architecture, as well as undergraduate programs of other institutions such as the Universidad Panamericana and the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Xalapa. He has also participated in research, management and linkage projects.

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