Doctorado Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad
Posgrado Consolidado - Sistema Nacional de Posgrados CONACYT

In order to participate in the selection process, the applicant must present the documentation detailed below. The lack of any of the requested documents will automatically exclude the applicant from the selection process.

Documents to be delivered to the CUAAD School Control Coordination

Fabiola Jazmín Gómez Padilla / Head of the Admission Unit. University Center of Art, Architecture and Design. South-Wing Ground Floor. Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Tel. 331 202 3000 Ext. 38751 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Original and recent copy of Birth Certificate (four months).
  • Receipt for registering on line at After making the payment it will be necessary to wait two working days, print the receipt for registering on line and present it to the Academic Control Office, at the first time applications window, where the photo for the candidate’s ID card will be taken (the appointment does not apply to postgraduate courses so it will not appear in the system).  
  • Original Certificate of Award or copy of the Award of Degree.    
  • Original certificate recording studies that shows the average mark obtained on previous courses (minimum average 80/100).  

For candidates with an average of between 78 and 80/100, according to the General Postgraduate Regulations of the University of Guadalajara in Article 50 (bis) it says that:  “In exceptional cases, following a request by the applicant and after hearing the opinion of the Academic Council, the Education Committee of the Council of the respective University Center or System will be able to override the requirement for an average mark foreseen in Fraction III of the previous Article, when it is justified by the academic or professional trajectory of the candidate, and/or by the needs of the University of Guadalajara for forming human resources”.  

NOTE 1: Candidates with an average of 78 to 80/100 should hand in an application form as a candidate, directed to the Academic Council and accompanied by a printed CV in free form, to the Office of the Doctorate to be approved as a candidate. Deadline: 7 May 2021.  

  • Original proof of LECTURE-COMPRESSION of the English language accredited, or of Spanish in case the applicant masters another language of origin; with an issue date as of January 2021 and until the closing date of this Call. Applicants who do not have this document can register with the Coordination of the Doctorate to apply this reading-comprehension test at the CUAAD Global Learning Center. (Request information at the Coordination).

Foreign and Mexican applicants with studies carried out outside the country or in another State.

  • Foreign applicants need to present a document that shows their legal status in the country. If accepted, they should request (within 90 days of the publication of their acceptance) the corresponding permission to study at this University, from the National Institute of Migration through its Local Office. Candidates may process this form through the office of the General Solicitor of the University of  Guadalajara with Lic. Luz Elena Argote (Av. Juárez 976, Piso 3. Telephone: (33) 3134 4661, 3134 4662, 3134 4663 ext. 11562). 
  • Certificates of studies obtained abroad should be certified by the Mexican Consulate in the original country and come with an "Apostille". Documents from a country where a language other than Spanish is spoken must come with an official translation and be accompanied by certificates showing a table of equivalences for qualifications, which may be requested from the Consulate in the country concerned. 
  • Applicants who completed their studies in another State of the Mexican Republic must present their duly legalized certificate of studies, a procedure that is carried out at the Ministry of the Interior of each federative entity where the previous degree was completed.

NOTE 2: All documents should meet the specific requirements on the web page:, and notice is drawn to Article 13 in the Second Chapter of the General Regulations for Admission of Students which states the following: “It will be understood that those candidates who do not conclude the administrative requirements in the times and dates established to that effect in the administrative requirements calendar renounce their right to compete for admission”. 



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