Doctorado Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad
Posgrado Consolidado - Sistema Nacional de Posgrados CONACYT


The Doctorate “City, Territory and Sustainability” is an academic program at the University Center for Art, Architecture and Design of the University of Guadalajara. The Program uses the system of credits and is focused on the development and training of teachers, researchers and professionals specializing in urban-territorial analysis, which will guarantee appropriate urban planning and the creation of an environment in sustainable conditions as required by the world today. It is a program of schooling through modalities centered on research, based on three lines of study revised in December 2016, as follows:


GGAK 1. Theory and conceptualization of architecture and the city.  

GGAK 2. Territory, mobility and public space.

GGAK 3. Habitat, territorial planning and sustainability. 


The program covers areas of knowledge that are determining factors in the construction of urban-territorial space, in a dynamic of constant transformation. The Course of Study is being revised this year, in 2021, to cover the needs that society now requires us to attend to for the first time, in the preparation of qualified researchers for management of the city, urban planning, territorial development and sustainability. Even as we continue to form researchers with a commitment to society and with the ability to design, organize and direct scientific research according to their level and area of specialization, and degree of responsibility, whether individually or in running working groups.

Actions taken by the University of Guadalajara, along with its policies, objectives and institutional strategies for the postgraduate program, have followed the guidelines approved by the Honorable General Council of the University in the 2019-2025 Institutional Development Plan, Vision for 2030, “Tradition and Change” (PDI). Starting and running the Program is the work of the General Academic Office through the Office for Research and Postgraduate Studies and also the corresponding offices of the University Centers of the University Network.      

The Institutional Development Plan establishes that “The postgraduate program is designed to form professionals of the highest level, capable of acquiring and transferring knowledge that can be applied to solving critical problems of a local, regional and national character, adopting a global perspective. The inclusion of postgraduate students in research projects allows significant changes to be made in the surrounding area, thanks to the detection of where there is a need in the regions for innovation in society and in businesses, thus contributing to economic development, sustainability and social well-being. It allows talents to be spotted and new learning opportunities to be created, especially when specialized services are provided to various sectors.” (PDI 2030, 2019: 73)

Affinity of the Doctorate in City, Territory and Sustainability to the Strategic Lines of the University of Guadalajara:




Plan de Desarrollo Institucional 2019-2025, Visión 2030, "Tradición y Cambio", available on , consulted February 2021.



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