Doctorado Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad
Posgrado Consolidado - Sistema Nacional de Posgrados CONACYT



The Course of Studies is designed to form Doctors in areas that correspond to management of the City, Territory, and Sustainability; territorial planning and, as a necessary step, attending to climate change; with academic aspects organized in a way that encourages the ability to handle the theoretical and scientific bases of the processes and agents that take part in development of the land, and of urban areas, and relevant environmental questions; also to form teacher/researchers who are committed to society as a whole, and have the capacity to design, organize and direct scientific research according to their own level, capacity and area of responsibility, either as individuals or through the coordination of working groups.

Through the objectives of the Course of Study of the Doctorate in “City, Territory and Sustainability”, it is hoped to form graduates with a high level of academic proficiency in areas of research, study, and urban-territorial intervention, integrating these activities into their professional training, with the ability to create new knowledge and have a clear vision of the indispensable goal of attaining new formulas for development and the occupation of geographical space in order to give a sense of direction to the social processes of the future, especially with the dynamics of the urban area and changes to the elements and variables that will limit the territorial processes of the 21st century. These lines of study are not considered in a comprehensive way in other postgraduate studies at a national or international level, which makes this Doctorate relevant as it contributes to the creation and application of knowledge in these areas of study.

The potential of the Program could extend the range and the details of participation by the specialist in urban planning, territorial regulation and the environment, to include a wide spectrum from public and private spheres, as in the field of research and teaching.

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