Doctorado Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad
Posgrado Consolidado - Sistema Nacional de Posgrados CONACYT

The fundamental characteristics of the graduate of the Program will be:

a) Being able to handle the theoretical and methodological foundations of the processes of the city, the territory and sustainability, generating knowledge about their problems with a critical vision.

b) Show mastery of their area of ​​knowledge-research and the commitment to participate in academic and scientific collaboration networks.

c) Intervene in the incorporation of strategies for sustainable development, based on environmental quality.

d) Coordinate multidisciplinary work groups, with a leadership attitude, being willing to promote community improvement actions, incorporating social participation in the process as a reference of ethical responsibility.

e) Maintain a critical and innovative vision of all the processes involved and their relevance, as well as the citizenization of the planning processes of urban-territorial development and sustainability.

f) Be able to join an academic body that develops new teaching and research options in these areas.

* The graduation requirements will be indicated in each current Call and will be established by the Academic Board.





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