Doctorado Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad
Posgrado Consolidado - Sistema Nacional de Posgrados CONACYT

 To qualify, anyone aspiring to study the Doctorate  program must:

a) Have a Masters degree in either Architecture, Urbanism, Sociology, Economy, Public Administration, Engineering, Geography, Anthropology, History or any other discipline that the Academic Jury may consider relevant. 

b) Be proficient in English or some other language distinct from one’s own first language.

c) Have experience in handling sources of information, data bases and computer technologies.

d) Have the critical capacity for conducting analysis, producing frameworks of knowledge, taking part in the discussion of ideas, and writing one’s conclusions clearly. 

e) Have a clear vision of the conditions of the local and national contexts, and especially of the social problems linked to urban-territorial and environmental processes. 

f) Show a consistent wish to serve, in an ethical way, in the formulation of his or her plan for research, its contents and the application of the results.

g) Demonstrate proven experience of research in the LGAC of the Postgraduate Program through published essays and articles, monographs, books, and participation in academic events.

* The entry requirements will be indicated in each current Call and will be established by the Academic Board.


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